Philips/WRTL stella Long
Philips Stellas were originally made by Wrtl, then they were changed over to Philips. These are nice led lanterns.

These have a node on them, and they were installed around 2014.
Isle of wight
As I am or was on holiday in the Isle of Wight, I managed to get photos of these WRTL stellas. They are in Cowes in the Isle of Wight and they have been painted black.

Some Stella’s have black nodes, others have white nodes and others have a photocell-style node.

Here in this picture, the Stella has a small amount of corrosion starting to be visable. Also, you can see a seagull on the left hand side of the picture, those things like to take people’s ice-creams! Hopefully, your one or nobody else’s ice cream gets taken by a sea-gull.

Here is the base of the fabrikat column.